Monday, March 24, 2025
Chatham-Kent Police Service – Daily Report for March 21-23, 2025
The Chatham-Kent Police Service (CKPS) responded to a variety of incidents over the past 72 hours. Below is a summary of the key events, including arrests, investigations, and other notable occurrences:
-Total Calls for Service: 531
-911/PSAP Transfers: 160
-Reportable Calls: 127
-Non-Reportable Calls: 404
-Property Checks: 69
-Community Services/Foot-Patrol: 23
-Domestics: 13
•21 arrest was made throughout the day, including individuals wanted for outstanding warrants, failure to comply, and domestic-related offenses.
Key Incidents:
Arrest, Theft – Case# CK25016409
Date: March 21, 2025, Time: 21:07hrs. Location: St Clair Street, Chatham
On March 21, 2025, at approximately 21:07hrs., the accused, a 32-year-old female from Chatham entered a local business on St. Clair Street, Chatham. She walked through the business and selected several items totalling to $181.88 in value. The accuser approached the front doors, bypassing all the business’ checkpoints, and left the store without paying for the selected items. The Chatham-Kent Police Service located the accused a short distance away and recovered all the items. As a result of this incident, the accused was charged with Theft and Possession under $5,000. She was released on an appearance notice with a future court date of the April 28, 2025.
Arrest, IPV – Case# CK25016423
Date: March 21, 2025, Time: 22:19hrs., Location: Park Avenue West, Chatham
The Chatham Kent Police Service attended Park Avenue West, Chatham, Ontario for an open line 911 call a female was heard crying, and a male was heard yelling. On arrival at the scene, officers identified the male as the accused, a 54-year-old from Chatham. The victim in this case was a 57-year-old female from Chatham. It was alleged that the accused had physically assaulted his partner, causing injury to her head. He also uttered threats towards the victim as well. The accused was arrested and read his rights to counsel. He was charged with the following:
Count 1: Uttering threats cause death
Count 2: Assault
Count 3: Assault with a weapon
He was transported to Chatham-Kent Police Headquarters where he was released with a future court date of April 9, 2025.
Theft-Case# CK25016717
Date: March 23, 2025, Time: 1524 hrs. Location: McNaughton Avenue, Wallaceburg
On March 23, 2025, at 1524hrs, the Chatham-Kent Police Service was called to a local business in Wallaceburg, where the accused, a 27-year-old male from Chatham, had stolen several items valued at $279.80. The accused exited the store, allegedly making no attempts to pay for the items. An employee provided a description of the individual, and after a brief foot pursuit, the police were able to identify and apprehend the accused. He was arrested and charged with the following:
Count 1: Theft Under $5000
Count 2: Possession Under
He was transported to Chatham-Kent Police headquarters and released with a future court date of May 5, 2025.
Theft/Warrants – Case# CK25016533/CK25016542
Date: March 22, 2025, Time: 1340hrs., Location: Riverview Drive, Chatham
On March 22nd, 2025, at approximately 1340hrs, The Chatham-Kent Police Service received a call for service from the complainant in this matter, a 72-year-old female who reported that her purse was stolen while she was at Riverview Drive, Chatham. Upon investigation, it was discovered that a series of unauthorized credit card transactions had occurred which led officered to arrest a 28-year-old female from Chatham. Chatham-Kent Police Service also determined that the accused possessed four outstanding warrants for the following:
• Count x2 – Fraud Under $5,000
• Count x2 – Use stolen credit card
The accused was transported to Chatham-Kent Police Headquarters where she was charged with
• Count 1 – Possession of Property obtained by crime under $5,000
• Count 2 – Theft under $5,000
She was released with a future court date of March 26, 2025.
The Chatham-Kent Police Service remains committed to ensuring the safety and security of our community. We continue to monitor ongoing investigations and encourage residents to report any suspicious activities to assist in maintaining public safety. For more information or media inquiries, please contact the Chatham-Kent Police Service Corporate Communications Coordinator Mrs. Shelomi Legall at or Tel: (519) 436-6600, ext. 80648.
End of Release
This release is intended for general informational purposes and does not disclose any personal or confidential information about individuals involved. All arrested individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.